Primary Category: Pollution Prevention and Reduction

Boyd Creek Pump Station Rehabilitation Funded

On August 1st, 2017 the City of Graham was approved by the NC Division of Water Infrastructure for a $2.5 million dollar replacement of the City’s Boyd Creek Pump Station. The Boyd Creek Pump Station is almost 60 years old and has been the source of several sanitary sewer overflows throughout it’s history. The City’s […]

NCDOT retrofits the I-40/85 & Maple Ave interchange to protect Little Alamance Creek

The average motorist passing by the interchange of I-40/85 and Maple Avenue may not notice NCDOT’s latest efforts to protect Little Alamance Creek because most of the action happens below ground!  To the casual observer the grassy area within the interchange appears much the same as it always has, but with one important exception, the […]

Peak Resources Development Site – Violation

Peak Resources is a redevelopment project in downtown Graham that is converting the old Graham High School and old Alamance County annex building into a retirement home. The project was permitted through the City of Graham’s Phase II Post Construction Program and through NC Department of Environmental Quality’s Erosion Control Program. The City of Graham […]

Graham Municipal Staff Training

The City of Graham hosted municipal staff from around Alamance County for training about how to reduce pollution prevention through good housekeeping standards. The program also included a discussion about illicit discharges including how to identify them and what steps to take after identifying them. The program was presented by Joy Fields of Stormwater Smart […]

Plaza Latina IDDE Violation

Plaza Latina, a latino restaurant and supermarket, was discharging untreated washwater from a wash area into a parking lot and then into the storm drainage system. The property owner installed a covered can wash area to discharge the water to the sanitary sewer system to correct the issue. The property also distributed Restaraunt Stormwater to […]

Kernodle Center Bio-Retention Basin

The City of Burlington retroffited an existing drainage area near its Kernodle Senior Center and Aquatic’s Center. The bio-retention basin was selected as the best available retrofit after a retrofit study was conducted. The retrofit is only a couple hundred feet from the main stem of Little Alamance Creek and the basin is downstream from […]

City of Graham – 2009 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project

AWCK prepared construction drawings, project specifications, bid documents, and construction related services for rehabilitation for 18,000’ of sanitary sewer lines ranging from 10” to 21” in size. The project included extensive coordination between the contractor and property owners while also including coordination with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Coordination included access […]
