Public Education, Outreach, and Involvement Programs

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Public Education and Outreach

Education and outreach plays an important role in improving water quality and in the revitalization of the Little Alamance Creek Watershed. The goals of the project partners are to foster stormwater pollution prevention by creating a culture of environmental stAWC&K-Photos-71ewardship for stormwater mitigation and management. There are many ways that we support, plan, and participate in public education events within the Little Alamance Creek Watershed. We are involved in planning and participating in outreach activities in the community that focus on the impacts of stormwater discharges on surface waters and the steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. Some of our efforts include organizing and participating in various events and activities working with local school groups, civic groups, residents, and local businesses to help broaden awareness and educate about stormwater. You have the power to positively impact stormwater pollution prevention.

The project partners utilize many resources to develop the educational programs and materials for distribution. Many of the educational materials and information can be viewed and downloaded at the NCDOT’s  and Stormwater Smart’s websites. Each of the partners coordinate and participate in events such as: school presentations, civic group meetings, fairs and festivals, library activities, public meetings, partnerships with various schools, parks and recreation events and activities.

Stormwater Smart of the Piedmont Triad Regional Council increases our educational efforts within the watershed 0919150835by setting up an educational booth at local fairs and festivals, speaking with different civic groups, and traveling to schools to teach children about stormwater. Some of their programs include:

  • Enviroscape
  • Rain garden in a bottle
  • The incredible journey
  • Macroinvertebrate mayhem
  • Water quality, ask the bugs!


Public Involvement

Public involvement is another way to help educate school groups, civic groups, residents and business owners by providing activities that allow everyone an opportunity to fully understand the impacts we all have on water quality. The project partners have developed
programs to include volunteers in various efforts to reduce pollution in the Little Alamance Creek Watershed. Some of these programs include:

  • Stream explorations0416161028
  • Stream and Litter Cleanups
  • Installing storm drain markers
  • Public meetings
  • Rain garden installations
  • Stream buffer enhancements

Interested in a presentation?

We are always looking for outreach opportunities and we would love to provide you with a speaker, materials, or information.

Contact us!

Public Involvement & Outreach Progress

  • Public Involvement

Public Involvement & Outreach Map

Public Involvement & Outreach News

Public Involvement & Outreach Old Events
